
In the center of the form, two areas are set up for displaying the images file-names

You might very well encounter noticing that CoverSetup doesn't show you all the images in the current folder! This is because CoverSetup works with so-called file-filters, a filter-engine sorting out which images to display in each list.

The smart finesse about the filters are, that only front-covers are shown in the top-section, and only back-covers are shown i the lower-section.

Output-list-function (next in line...)
Choose both covers for print-out by clicking one of the buttons "Choose Both!", and CoverSetup copies the current filenames for the Front- and BackCovers to the two "Chosen one's"-lists located beneath each file-name-list. You can also use the F8 function key as a short-cut to the "Choose Both!" function.

Hereby the images are collected to a seperate list, which saves the informations on selected images location. A list is generated for the Front- and BackCovers individually.

Single images can be removed from the individual list by first selecting it with the mouse, and then clicking on the "Erase this one"-button just above the list 

Then press the Printer-icon in the lower right corner, choose yes to print!

Remark: It is possible to save (Function-key F7) the defined "Chosen One's" lists in a project-file, which can be opened (Function-key F6) again later. The project-file keeps informations on paths to selected images. When the project-file is opened, these definitions are then automatically added to the "Chosen Ones"-lists.

This feature is specially practical when running dias-shows.